1.When was the battle of Kalinga
took place :
a. 261 BC
b. 287 BC
c. 260 BC
d. 267 BC
2. Who wrote famous book
a. Megasthenese
b. Bindusara
c. Nagsena
d. Vishnu Gupta
3. Where was the central province
of Mauryan Administration:
a. Taxila
b. Ujjain
c. Pataliputra
d. Kalinga
4. Which of the following was the first dynasty to introduce
gold coins:
a. Sata Vahans
b. Shunga
c. Kushans
d. Kanva
5. Who is called as the ‘Napoleon
of India’:
a. Chandragupta I
b. Samundragupta
c. Ashoka
d. Kumaragupta
6. Who founded the famous Nalanda
a. Skand Gupta
b. Samudra Gupta
c. Kumara Gupta
d. Chandra Gupta
7. In the reign of which of the
following ruler the Chinese pilgrim ‘Hiuen Tsang’ visited India:
a. Pushpamitra
b. Harsha
c. Kumar Gupta
d. Kanishka
8. Which among the following
ruler built the famous Jagannath Temple , Puri:
a. Krishna-I
b. Narsinghdev
c. Yasho Verman
d. Mudra Rakshas
9. What was the ancient capital
of Cholas:
a. Neital
b. Palaya Rai
c. Kaamroop
d. Magada
10. Where was the third Buddhist
council took place:
a. Sabakami
b. Patliputra
c. Vallabhi
d. Somapuri
1.A, 2.A, 3.C, 4.C, 5.B, 6.C, 7.B, 8.B, 9.B, 10.B