Ancient Indian History Quiz-2 For SSC CGL Examination 2016

1.When was the battle of Kalinga took place :
a. 261 BC                              
b. 287 BC                              
c. 260 BC                              
d. 267 BC

2. Who wrote famous book ‘Indica’:
a. Megasthenese                  
b. Bindusara                         
c. Nagsena                            
d. Vishnu Gupta

3. Where was the central province of Mauryan Administration:
a. Taxila                                
b. Ujjain                                 
c. Pataliputra                        
d. Kalinga

4. Which of the  following was the first dynasty to introduce gold coins:
a. Sata Vahans                      
b. Shunga                              
c. Kushans                            
d. Kanva

5. Who is called as the ‘Napoleon of India’:
a. Chandragupta I                
b. Samundragupta               
c. Ashoka                              
d. Kumaragupta

6. Who founded the famous Nalanda university:
a. Skand Gupta                     
b. Samudra Gupta                
c. Kumara Gupta                  
d. Chandra Gupta

7. In the reign of which of the following ruler the Chinese pilgrim ‘Hiuen Tsang’ visited India:
a. Pushpamitra                     
b. Harsha                              
c. Kumar Gupta                                
d. Kanishka

8. Which among the following ruler built the famous Jagannath Temple , Puri:
a. Krishna-I               
b. Narsinghdev                                
c. Yasho Verman                  
d. Mudra Rakshas

9. What was the ancient capital of Cholas:
a. Neital                                 
b. Palaya Rai                         
c. Kaamroop                         
d. Magada

10. Where was the third Buddhist council took place:
a. Sabakami              
b. Patliputra                         
c. Vallabhi                             
d. Somapuri

1.A, 2.A, 3.C, 4.C, 5.B, 6.C, 7.B, 8.B, 9.B, 10.B