Quant Quiz-3 for LIC AAO& SBI Exam 2016


1. Two numbers have 16 as their HCF and 146 as their LCM. Then, one can say that:
a. Many such pairs of numbers exist
b. Only one pair of numbers exist.
c. No such pair of numbers exists.
d. Only two such pairs of numbers exist.
2. What is the least multiple of 7, which when divided by 2,3,4,5 and 6 leaves the remainders 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively:
a. 119                                  
c. 112                                                  
d. can’t determine
3. A man says to his son, ‘seven years ago I was seven times as old as you were and three years hence I will be three times as old as you will be.’ There ages are ____ and ___ yrs:
a. 60,12                                              
b. 52,12                              
c.   42,12                                            
d. 50,15
4. A person purchased 100 oranges at 4 a rupee and 200 oranges as 2 a rupee. He mixed them and sold at 3 oranges a rupee. Find his per cent loss or gain.
a.20% loss                        
b. 25% loss                                       
c.  20% profit                                  
d. 25% profit
5. If a man buys 10 pens and 5 pencils for Rs 500, and sells the pens at a profit  of 10% and the pencils at a loss of 15 % , and his whole gain is Rs 25.What price does he pay for a pen and a pencil:
a. 20,30                                              
b. 40,20                                              
6. Find the compound interest on Rs 9375 in 2 years, the rate of interest being 2% for the first year and 4% for the second year.
a. Rs. 570                                           
b. Rs.1140                                         
c.   Rs. 1155                         
d. Rs. 670
7. 3 men and 4 boys can earn Rs 756 in 7 days. 11 men and 13 boys can earn Rs 3008 in 8 days. In what time will 7 men with 9 boys earn  Rs 2480:
a. 12                                    
c. 15                                                     
8. A train leaves Calcutta at 7:30 am and travels 40 km an hour, another train leaves Calcutta at noon and travels 64 km an hour, when and where will the second train overtake the first:
a. 480 km, 2:30 pm      
b. 480 km, 7:30 pm                      
c. 840 km, 7:30 pm                       
d. 480 km, 6:30 pm
9. Two bullets were fired at a place at an interval of 38 minutes. A person approaching the firing point in his car hears the two sounds at an interval of 36 minutes. The speed of sound is 330 m/sec. What is the speed of the car:
a. 98 km                                            
b. 49 km                                            
c. 99 km                                             
d. 66 km
10. Three pipes A, B and C are connected to a tank. A and B together can fill the tank in 60 minutes , B and C together in 40 minutes and C and A together in 30 minutes. In how much time will each pipe fill the tank separately:
a. 60 min, 250 min, 64 min
b. 40 min, 120 min, 24 min
c. 80 min, 240 min, 48 min
d. None of these
1.C , 2.A , 3.C , 4.A , 5.B , 6.A , 7.B , 8.B , 9.D , 10.C,

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