Reasoning Quiz-4 For LIC AAO, SBI Exam 2016

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Input:                 Ox    23   mat   39   49   34   pond   in  deafs   35
Step 1:                In    23   Ox   mat   39    49   34   pond    35   deafs
Step 2:                Ox   in    23   39     mat   49   34    pond   35   deafs
Step 3:                mat   Ox   in    23    39    34   49   pond   35    deafs
Step 4:                pond   mat   Ox    in   23    39    34   49   35   deafs
Step 5:                deafs   pond   mat   Ox   in   23   39   34   49   35

1. Input :   58   22   go   to   45   24   cat   35   seat   night
What will be step III for the following input.
a.To  go   22   35   58   45   cat  night   seat   24
b. Cat   to   go   22   35   24    58   45   seat   night
c. Night   cat   to go   seat   22   35   24   58   45
d. None of these

2. Which one is penalty mate step for the input given in question no.1
a. Night   seat   cat   22   35   58   go   45  to  24
b. Seat   cat  to   go   22   35   24   45   58   night
c. Seat   go   to  cat   24   22   35   58   45  night
d. None of these

3. In the step III of input given in question no. 1 who is at fifth position from right:
a. 58              
b. 35                          
c. 24                          
d. none of these

4. In step IV of input given in question 1 who will be at 3rd right of 5th from left.
a. 45              
b. 58                          
c. go                           
d.  none of these

5. How many steps are required to complete the input given in question 1 :
a. 5                
b. 4                            
c. 6                             
d. none of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input:       base   35   or  gone   62   49   87  ahead
Step 1:      87  base   35  or  gone  62   49  ahead
Step 2:      87  ahead base   35  or  gone  62   49 
Step 3:      87  ahead 62 base   35  or  gone   49 
Step 4:      87  ahead 62 base   49  35  or   gone
Step 5:      87  ahead 62 base   49  gone    35  or 
And step 5 is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.      

6. Input:  how   was   your  stay   56   25   36   64
Which of the following will be step 6?
a. 64  how   56  was   your  stay    25   36  
b. 64  how   56  stay 36  was   25   your    
c. 64  how   56  stay 36  was   your 25           
d. There will be no such step

7. Input: power  fail  now  52  24  75  gate  34
Which of the following steps will be the last but one:
a. 4                
b. 5                
c. 6                             
d. 7

8. Step III of an input is:  91   car  85  14  27  few   new  house.
Which of the following is definitely the input:
a. 85  14   91   car   27   few  new house
b. car  91     85  14  27   few  new house
c. car  85    14  27   few  new  house  91
d. can’t be determined

9. step II of an input is:  75   down  16  24  farm  eager  62  sky
How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement:
 a. four                      
b. five            
c. six                          
d. seven

10. Input:  14  35  when   they   came   61   48   home
How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement:
a. Four                      
b. five            
c.  six                         
d. seven

1.B, 2.B, 3.C, 4.A, 5.A, 6.D, 7.C, 8.D, 9.A, 10.C,

For Full Explanation Of Each Question CLICK HERE